CLARIAH Data Stories

The here presented Data Stories are created within the CLARIAH project. Data Stories are live generated over Linked Datasets. The underlying datasets are published in the Druid data catalogue. Data Stories is developed by Triply.

Special mention to [story by student] data stories created by history students who had prior to the Data Management for Historians course little knowledge of quantitative data other than having worked with MS Excel.
History of Work: a Linked Open Data collection of historical occupations and occupational measures
Spanish Flu in The Netherlands
IISG Diamond Workers
Analysing Stature: Europe vs. Asia in the 19th Century
Linked Data replication of historical GIS: Roman Catholics per municipality in 1899
Behind bars, size matters?
Heterogeneity in representations of IISG film meta-data
The value of occupations story
Amsterdam Time Machine Demo
Growth and Inequality story
Strikes story
The wealth of the Renaissance story
hack-a-little: mapping the priests
Is there a list of Dutch female occupations?
IISG Collection stories
Development of human stature
IISG Data Quality story